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Read Now ... Day Drink Next

Since the last post was a little wordy and intense, since it’s Friday, since it’s SUMMERTIME, since it's 5 o'clock somewhere, today’s content will be more of a quick and easy beach read. In fact, don’t even read it now. Print it out and USE it when you’re ready to create your rockin’, organized, WHO CAN RESIST ME resume!

Okay, without preamble, here we go: Resume Writing 101

• List your name, address (if possible), phone number, and email. LinkedIn or other bio

optional. • If you are going to use a summary, keep it short. Use 2-4 sentences to summarize your

professional attributes. Beware of adding what YOU are looking for, as the focus needs to be on what you have to offer.

• List each position to include:

Company Name, Town, State Position Held and Dates worked 5 – 15 bullets to describe what you do/did Go back about 15 years, 4-5 jobs

Bold (or use color) the company name, town, state, position held, and dates worked • Use: Times New Roman-11, Arial-11, Calibri-12 (should you opt to get creative, contact me

first) :) • Beware of tenses. Current tense if you are still at your position, past tense for all other

positions • Spell Check your resume. Make sure the squiggles are gone.

• Save your resume in Microsoft Word or PDF format. Try to avoid using Microsoft Excel and

please, please! do not use a screen shot.

Let’s Recap. Again, beach read. Niiiice and easy. Some quick DO and DON'T reminders:

DO write your resume when you are happy at your job. Even if you don’t LOVE what you do, it’s much easier to describe when you’re currently doing it. DO SPELL CHECK! Make sure all squiggles have disappeared. If you do not, they WILL appear when your resume is opened. DO be aware of your tenses. Present tense if you are still at the company, past for all the rest. DO save your resume in Microsoft Word or PDF format. No screen shots. DON’T apply for jobs using a screen shot. DON’T include your salary requirements or references on your resume. DON’T write your resume in the third person. Like, ever.

I think we've covered enough for now. Go get that tan on. Coming up next month ... How to slay the application process!

Want more tidbits of resume fun? Contact Us!

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Location: Tamarindo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica


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